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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


all over the world local authorities specially in the food and drug agency begin its move to crack down and identify imported and local products that uses milk as ingredients and follow some test to know if the product has been tainted with melamine and began the pull out of this product from the market and out from the shelves of every stores and supermarkets.
i made some research for all this product who was found tainted and have a trace of melamine, and these are some of them:

South Korea
1. Ritz Cracker Sandwiches Cheese by Nabisco Food Suzhu Co.
2. Savory Rice Drackers by Danyang DayBright Co.
3. Misarang Custard and Misarang Coconut by Haitai confectionary
4. Milk rush biscuit and Vegetable Creamer
authorities in korea is checking at least 428 brands and found 6 products with a trace of melamine on the 186 they finished checking and might be raised when the total products being check is finish.

agri-food agency said it found melamine in two other milk-based Chinese imports: the Yili brand "Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yoghurt Flavored Ice Confection" and the Dutch Lady brand of strawberry-flavored milk.
announced a recall of all Chinese milk products.
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority said "White Rabbit Creamy Candy" was ordered off of shelves after tests showed it was contaminated

1.Cadbury chocolates which are made at its Beijing factory was tainted with melamine and came up a list of 11 recalled chocolate cadbury varieties including Cadbury Eclairs and bulk packets of Dairy Milk chocolates
three Chinese powdered milk brands -- Sanlu, Suncare and Yashili -- have been taken off shelves.

the agency discovered 16 Chinese made dairy products with the inclusion of the popular brand of chocolate Snickers and M&M

European Union
announce the banning and limit entry and consumption of products containing milk fom China.

local authorities ban all the milk made from china, and the local distributors and importer of this china dairies was questioned or interviewed with regards to the issue.
the country's Bureau of Food and Drugs banned the distribution and selling of two brands of imported Chinese milk that could possibly be tainted.
The milk brands were Yili and China Mengniu Dairy Company
Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group
Bright Dairy .
also some of the products that were found tainted with melamine are manufactured by known and multi-national food makers such as Kraft Foods, Nestle, Dryers, M&M, and Snickers.
below are some of the products that are initially banned for traces of melamine:
Anchor Wam Frootmilk Drink Mango Magic
Anchor Wam Frootmilk Orange Chill
Anchor Wam Frootmilk Strawberry Spin
Dutch Lady Pure Milk
Farmland Skim Milk
Greenfood Yili Pure Milk
Jinwei Drink
Jollycow Pure Fresh Milk
Jollycow Slender Lowfat Milk
KLIM Install Full Cream Milk Powder (1.8kg)
M&M Chocolate brown 40gm
Meiji Hokkaido Azuki (Red bean ice Cream)
Meiji Ujikintoko (Red bean and green tea frozen confection)
Mengniu Original Drink Milk
Mengniu Pure Milk
Milk chocolate bars/china
Milk chocolate candies/china
Milkboy repacked
Milkboy repacked
Monmilk breakfast milk walnut milk beverage
Monmilk high calcium low fat milk
Monmilk high calcium milk
Monmilk milk deluxe pure milk
Monmilk pure milk
Monmilk suan suan ru sour milk beverage (mango flavor)
Natural choice milk ice var
Nestle carnation calcium plus non fat milk powder (1.6kg)
Nestle chocolate flavor ice cream cone
Nestle dairy farm pure milk
Nestle vanilla flavor ice cream cone
Nutri express milk
Nutri-express 15 nutritional elements (blue, red and orange label and cap)
Nutri-express milk
Nutri-express milk green apple
Prime roast cereals 28gm
Pura fresh milk
Snickers brown 59gm
Strawberry sorbet
Trappist dairy low fat yogurt drink
Vita fresh milk
Wahaha Orange
Wahaha Yellow
Want Want milk drink
Yili High calcium 250ml
Yili High calcium milk 1L
Yili High calcium low fat milk beverage
Yili low fat milk 1L
Yili milk
Yili puremilk 250ml
Yili puremilk 1L
Yinlu Milk Peanut
as of 09/29/2008 1:55 PM and the figure might change as to the outcome of the test by the philippine bureau of food and drug administration

Sunday, September 21, 2008


What Happens When 3 Extraordinary Teachers from "the Secret" Come Together to Teach the Science of Getting Rich? by arnoldream

The Science of Getting Rich is a timeless classic written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a bold title for a book and suggests that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Here is how Wallace D. Wattles puts it in his own words, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success "the Secret". Here is what Rhonda Byrne said on her introductory note to the book, "I can honestly say that, since that first night when a tattered printed manuscript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daughters), my life has never been the same. Once you read it for yourself, you will understand why". Rhonda went on to produce the movie "the Secret" and the best-selling book of the same title which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

However, learning how to do things in that "certain way" as described by Wallace D. Wattles may be more challenging for some as the book was written nearly 100 years ago. Some of the language is a little dated and much of its wisdom lost from a modern day perspective.

Fortunately, a new training seminar for the Science of Getting Rich has brought the wisdom of this timeless classic back to life for modern readers. Called "the Science of Getting Rich", this program is the most comprehensive training system for mastering Wallace D. Wattles wealth creation philosophies and principles since its creation. It comprises written, audio and live seminar formats for learning, applying and mastering the Science of Getting Rich

A unique "twist" to the program is the fact that it has an in-built vehicle for creating substantial financial wealth through its affiliate program. This is truly a unique wealth eduction and wealth building program designed to empower any individual with the resources to get rich. It is a program whose time has come. The program would not be possible without the original text from Wallace D. Wattles, the skills of leading teachers of our time, the phenomenal success of "the Secret" and the Internet as a learning and distribution tool.

Click here to learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich and the details of the program.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


everybody wants free indeed, and who can ever resist something when it is free, free food,free snacks,free drinks, free education, free for everything. sounds great isn't it?
who wants a free call anyway, i mean free long distance call, yes you read it right free call just for you...
check it out! i made this free call to be available in my blogsite for you to use it for free, anyway you know what to do in return fo
r my effort....
just click the image below and presto the world is just a free phone call away....

Saturday, September 13, 2008


One day I came across a forum which is very much affiliated with a very well used search engine in the whole wide world web I may call it. I was told once by a friend of mine to participate in forums for me to promote my blogs in my site, so without hesitation I search it out and finally made it to answer some fill in the blanks rectangular question. So I was so excited about actually making it to a forum knowing I will make friends I mean many friends online with different nations and countries. So I make some questions and then I wait for quite some time that somehow, someone will answer me right away. So I waited and waited and still there is no one responding into my question which I posted, so not to be bored I click on my next tab and do something while I’m waiting for my forum site to make progress. The next thing I knew is that I was able to finish all the things I have to do that particular day and felt sleepy so e click on my forum tab and there it remain blank zero and it means no one is responding or maybe there is no one out there at the end of the line. Sleepy I was, I began to shutdown my pc and went rightly into my room for bedtime and then I sleep like a baby.

I used to open my pc every afternoon after work, so just like the other day I began my usual things I am doing before, surfing in the internet looking for things that might caught my interest or look for something that I may gain knowledge. Then when time gets late, go again to bed and lay me down to sleep. Oh what a life!

Doing the same thing, I forgot about the forum and the question I have posted in it, until I notice my email of having message unread, I rush through it expecting maybe someone has just answered my concern. I click on the check mail in my yahoo mail and there it goes as I read it, I felt disappointed when I read the message that goes like this..”no respond yet to your message and the time is running out for you, but you can log in before your time expire and extend more your time of query for another 4 days.” what !4 days passed and no one answers? That is really a waste of time.

With these experiences I been through with these “popular” forum site, I was discouraged, and question began to roll in my mind on what is going on with these people, or are these people really doing their forum in that site or some where else?

Doing some blogs in my you can click it for test, I made myself busy and for sometime has finally made some of my blog or article. Along with my blogs are,. DAD I MISS YOU, KEEPING UP WITH YOUR TEENS, KEEPING YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL PART 1 AND 2 anyway part 3 will be posted and publish soon, FOOD AND OIL HOW IT WILL AFFECTS US, are my initial blogs releases by now, just wait for others soon, these blogs are available for you in my blogspot site mention earlier.

When I finished them I began to notice some changes in the number of page impressions I am receiving and I am not contented with it. I was thinking for some ways to promote my blogs when a friend of mind pay me a visit and told me something about a forum site he is currently enjoying doing some kind of forum. So we visited the site and sign up, made up some silly question and wait for response. I was shocked at once when a minute after we post our question there it goes a response was posted for our question. I hurriedly click on it and there it was, a real answer to my question, a real people discussing with me by posting question and responds system and it’s good, actually it’s more than very, very good.

I began to post more some questions and answer some of their discussion also, then later I found out that my friends tab located on the header board is beginning to have number sign, I click it at once to find it out all about it, and there I found some of the forum members are beginning to request for me to be one of my friends, so I click the approve tab and presto I did made a lot of friends, and these are the people with me to discuss things together. Yes real people, friends unknown before are out there sharing things and just like you, are learning together because of the discussion and forum were doing 24 hours a day, and you will never find yourself alone in the world again.

Lastly I began to realize that I am learning a lot of things from this forum, and what makes me more happier is the reason that people are saying they’re thank you’s with the discussion they gain that might be the best for them when you makes comments. I thought what will I be gaining here is list of friends, and knowledge from discussion ans somehow a little of having known, then I realize that along the line of my profile, an amount is put right there and it goes up as you participate more each day.

Wanna try this one and I guaranty you, you will never be out of friends again with whom you can converse with anytime of the day on what ever issue that may come in your wildest mind. So here we are and I will take you there just click this url and you will be entertain.. …just follow some question and answer them right away and I will de there waiting for you friend.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This part is the continuation of my blog “keeping young and beautiful”, and just like what I have told you before I will be giving some practical tips on how to keep yourself young and beautiful, so we can be the best of our looks even as we get older.

Many people look younger than their actual age, while many people also looks older than their present age. The reason of course for these cannot be single out to an individual factor, but with many factors and cases that when understood and learned shall give us the right prescription that will address our concern on this subject matter. These are list of questions that I found to be relevant in these study: Why rich people looks fair and beautiful and handsome than poor people, why models and celebrities like actor and actresses are so charming and beautiful while ordinary people are not, why Americans and Caucasian races have white skin while Africans are black, why Asian people are dark brown others are fair and white, why you’re so beautiful the others are not?

I hope you can follow me now where am I taking you; these series of question are most likely answered through the knowledge of science that even elementary graders can follow. I will in all my best speak in plain English rather than in scientific terminologies and if needed to use terms, I will use them scarcely.

A person macro appearance is being defined by his race, and by the DNA or molecular compositions, the race will tell us if your Caucasians or white, Africans if you are a colored or black, Asian if you are brown, yellowish or fair white as to name some race in particular. While DNA or molecular composition, or our own chromosomes in scientific language will define our total, single and unique blueprint of our appearance and looks, that why there is no two people having the same equal looks and personality, not unless we come into the modern process of cloning which I believed is not perfected still at this point of time. Let me ask these questions for you to ponder. Why white people like a burn or tan color of their skin? Why black envy the white? Why Asians are so very cautious to have a white skin? That’s it we like the other around, and we are not contented to who and what we are.

Now we know about a little bit of science, let me take you to some other factors which affect our personality as a whole. A person personality is also being affected by what we call “class categories,” rich people tend to be more of a good looking personality than poor classes of people. Why? Of course rich people can have the access for good and healthy foods and fruits that give them a healthy appearance, with a fair skin nourished through by different beauty products and services which rich people can afford, added unto it are the comfort of living in a clean, decent home and environment which the poor classes cannot afford.

The place and the kind of job we are working and where are we working are also factors to be considered. A person working inside an office or a mall fully air conditioned, have a better appearance and personality than someone that is working in a construction site under the heat and scorching ray of the sun or of those working in mines, streets and other outdoor jobs like street vendors and drivers who are exposed to different elements affecting the very layer of their skin which deteriorate in time giving them an old age look even at young age. I just can’t forget when I happen to ask someone in an accidental meeting with a person I presumed to be in his 60’s in one of my field assignment I am working with before. I am talking with his daughter who told me about the quality and status of their life, she told me they were all 14 in the family 2 her parent 12 are the children, talking to my self I said “wheew, what a big family and many mouth to feed,” how can they survive with that? I ask myself. She told me also that she’s the eldest and at present 16 years of age, what shocked me later was when she told me that she is pregnant of the third man he is now living with without the blessing of marriage; imagine 16 and she has been with three men already. Oh! What a life! We’re conversing together when the father arrived haply catching his breath because of the long walk under the heat of the sun on his way home from some menial job he is working with to earn money for to buy food for his waiting family back home. At first impression of how he looks I presumed that his age is ranging from 55 to 60 which came out wrong when I found out that he is only 40 years of age. What 40 looking 60? That’s very big difference, but that is the truth the way we live, the work we do, the level of class we belong to, the quality of food we eat and the other uncontrollable and controllable factors really affects how do we really look in our personality.

Here is also another case I am going to tell you. I do have a neighbor and she has a daughter who is not that beautiful as she seems. She has this dark complexion that might be the reason of having not that charm, though she was outgoing and party lovers. One thing I know is that she went abroad to work as an entertainer in Japan. Days gone by, then a year, that was when I got news that she came back home. The moment I saw her it seems to me that I am looking on a different person, this once dark brown complexion girl has turn into a fair white looking beautiful skin which made her so beautiful and charming. And the secret, well its all about again the kind of lifestyle and the access to different beauty and whitening product she stumble with while she is working in Japan.

Having the money means you can afford all the modern technology which will make your wish to be of a good looking person come to a reality, having the money you, can stay inside the comfort of an air condition room, of having a good and healthy food and fruits, of having those creams and masks that takes all the imperfection in our skin, of having the service of the expert to correct and modify some parts of your body to stay young and beautiful…

Till next issue of this article…


Thursday, September 4, 2008



I just got home from work that particular afternoon, really annoyed by the heat of the sun the whole day specially from 9 in the morning up to 5 pm, lucky for me because my work is inside those supermarkets I am working with, but during my travel time from one supermarket to another, then I have to brave myself making my way under the scorching heat of the sun, you will find me very much covered from head to toe riding my motorbike on my way to my destination. I used to complain with these adverse and extremely sunny days which makes me to poke my face which just comes naturally anytime I got in this situation as a way of expressing how my nature reacts to this situation, specially when I forgot to carry and wear my sun protection eyeglasses.

Really uneasy for the day I settle for the comfort of the electric fan to cool myself, sitting for comfort to relax myself and then wash off the smoke and dust even my unpleasant smell which I got the whole day of working later on before dinner, when I notice an unfamiliar book lying lazily on the floor which is maybe left unreturned in the bookshelves after my wife read it. Then having nothing to do as I relax before taking my bath I grab a hold of the book which I found out that it was all about health care. So I open it up without really the intention of really reading it seriously, suddenly it caught my attention and one thing I know I began to find myself reading and scanning all its content for it was very interesting. I have read it until I finished it the following days and I have learned something from it which I can use, specially the chapter that deals with the care of the skin to make it stay young and beautiful.

I am exposed to many different kind and looks of people making their way to shop where I work; many of these are beautiful, sexy ladies with skin and faces which seem to be flawless and they are like models that show off themselves in the ramp of the supermarket alleys. You will easily find out that someone so sexy and beautiful is around; you will notice the boys communicating through signs, they will show the shape of a sexy sign using their hand and pointing in some direction or spot they have seen her, and then the boys will casually as if knowing nothing will made their way to see by themselves the target then later on comments about what they have found out.

You see we all like beautiful, that’s why we came up with so many fairy tales like Cinderella, Snow White, Bella of the Beauty and the Beast as well with the other cartoon and anime film which have made their main character the most beautiful as they can. Even in every Hollywood movies and each and every countries particular movie industry their main cast is the best and beautiful among the rest.

That’s it, we all like beautiful, it is the natural mindset of our nature to appreciate beautiful things and dislike that which is not, and that’s explained why. To be beautiful and to stay beautiful is significant in every life of those people that had live before us, archaeological finding shows that early civilization was very keen in their appearances, early formulations of make up kits is being used in their time, not to mention how good they were in fashions which we sometimes at present study them and come up with great designs in dresses and in different apparels as well as knowledge in architecture, building and engineering designs. Today this issue is in much higher degree in its present form and application, requiring us to be looking good and beautiful. From the employment requirement of having a pleasing personality to qualify for application to different fields like being an actor or actresses, entertainers and performers valued much how do you look, and the more beautiful you are the more chances of landing the job or to succeed in your career in the field of your choice. Of course there might be some other factors added to beauty to excel through, otherwise our brains will have of no use. But when personality is the issue, it’s the beautiful that have always the advantage.

Take a look around you, beauty shops are always in the street corners maybe several of them, and they are making money through these businesses. Places like New York, Hollywood, Paris in France, Berlin in Germany and other capital and cities renowned from their fashion line ups and for their expertise in these beauty businesses. Many personalities had come up being millionaires in this business as their names become a signature and a trade marks of their product list. Companies and multinational corporations begin to analyze and begin to manufacture and come up with modern equipment for site use in beauty service needs and for mass production of different kind of beauty products to meet the rising demand worldwide. Avon, Sara lee, Christian Dior, Versace, Ponds etc. to name a few, if you want a list of them you might be surprise of how many these company are. You can also check your local beauty product distributor and manufacturer and find out how they are doing in these businesses, and you will tell me they are making good cold cash out from it. In the Philippines among the popular beauty expert trusted by most of our celebrities in movie and entertainment industry as well by our popular beaty like model politicians are the Doctor’s Calayan and Doctor Belo the later has newly launches her line of products with the trade name bearing her name like “BELO ESSENTIALS” which comes in soaps, lotion, creams and many others. And they are making not just money but lots of money and popularity which later earns them again more money, Ricky Reyes is also one of them who make it to the top.

Maybe if you happen to browse and read this blog and having the touch of a beautician or a mind of a business tycoon I suggest you go in this business who knows this might be your awaited opportunity. Well before taking that steps you might consider to study it first and make the necessary feasibility study or else I might received an email from you blaming me for incurred losses, well I hope not. I will also suggest that you educate yourself through trainings and proper schooling and do some reading and research work so not to get wrong, ok?

But for now just always take good care of your self, how do you look right now depends on you, how you present yourself to others is of your own choice but perhaps you might consider their impression on you if you look otherwise, whatever it is, make the best and bring out the best that is in you according to the beauty of what we call it, the best of God’s creation.

Thank you for the support and wait for the conclusion of this article not many days hence….again thank you


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The voice of the customer service personnel reverberates within the whole complex of the supermarket I am working with. The rush in the voice echoes to my ear as it pronounces my name calling me to proceed to the Customer Service Section immediately. Leaving the things I am doing, I rush my way to the section with question in my mind, why am I being called?

The moment I got there, the customer service attendant handed me the telephone and said that I have a call. I hesitantly took the telephone from her to answer back the call, and then the moment I said hello to know who’s on the line, a very sad voice answers and from the tone of the voice, I know without a mistake that it is my dear friend who’s calling.

The sadness in his voice seems so serious as I listened to what he is saying. He told me that he wants me to see him if I have a time because he wants someone to talk with. Knowing the urgency of his need I ask him where he was, and what the problem is. So he told me that they have a problem, and he was in a mall near our place and he will wait for me there. Telling him that I will go and see him after work at break time, he said his thank you and I said, hang up there and I will come.

At 12 noon I made my way to see my friend, the mall he’s telling where he was could be a thirty minutes ride in a passenger jeepney popular here in Philippines. Actually it is used to be called jitney before but it was coined into jeepney later on. I work riding my old motorcycle and I saved a lot of time from it instead of commuting to a public utility vehicle, whose route are traffic jam spots within the city perimeter roads. But using my bike will give me an access to detour roads and a fast travel time which will took me only ten to fifteen minutes to reach the mall, and so it was.

Riding up in the escalator within the mall to the second floor in a spot we used to hang out often, there I saw him sitting on a chair waiting for me. He did not notice me as I walk near him for he was sitting facing the other direction and his back facing me. And as soon I sat on the other chair in front of him and say hello, I noticed that he doesn’t want me to see him in the eyes. The sadness I discerned from his voice in the phone is as the sadness that is in his eyes, the redness of his eyes tells me that he hardly slept the night, the shade of tears that came out as he cries that night still manifest, his face that used to wear a smile is being painted with worries and disappointment of what he is passing or going through. “Hey friend, what’s up?” are the words I threw to him to break the deafening silence between us trying to cheer him up. So knowing that I’m trying to start a conversation, he told me that they have a big problem, so big that he never thought it would happen. After telling me that word I carelessly guest what my friend problem is, so I ask him if it’s all about her teenage daughter, “is she getting married? I ask my friend, but not expecting him to answer me yes, because I just ask him this question so he may start telling me the real problem. So waiting for my friend to answer back and tell me about his problem, he said a thundering “yes” to my question, so I was the one who was shock by my friend’s answer to my question. Then I shut my old big mouth with that shocking news I never expect also. The once silent sad stricken friend began telling me about her teenage daughter, his plans for her, his expectations; his hope and dream for his daughter that someday she finished college and have a good life, the way he care for her from birth to this time, he told me also how they relate to each other as a father and a daughter and how closed their bonding was, and my friend wonder why his daughter ended up three months pregnant without telling them.

I spend that afternoon with my friend never plan to leave him with that condition. I saw in him that beyond that sadness and disappointment there is a creeping a sense of angry feeling brooding inside him, and I don’t want my friend doing something wrong that he may regret the day after. So I ask him to eat our lunch and to cool down with some ice tea, he is hesitant to eat at first but I convince him to eat and drink later on. After lunch of talking, sharing, and thinking for my friend to come up with the least collateral damage he may face and the best thing he should be doing to rectify the situation, we end up on what may be the only option we could only be offered, and that is accepting the bold reality that her daughter has chosen, and resort to every possible means to extend a helping hand for her daughter in need rather than making an endless blaming of who made a mistakes. Then my friend went home with something he may consider to ponder with, but you know what, I was worried about him thinking about things he might possibly be doing if he was provoked and become angry. The next day he called again at home telling me of the recent development and I was relieved.

That day I began thinking about my friend’s ordeal. I was thinking about the thing he told me and the things I used to see and noticed when we sometimes visit them in surprise. We used to see his daughter with her boyfriend privately talking alone; just wearing a very high cut thin short and a sando shirt partly exposing some parts of her young body, which was left uncheck. She was sometimes seen going out asking her mom to let her go into her boyfriend’s house, which is also left unchecked, sometimes letting them to have a date for some dinner or party with no body tagging along, left unchecked again, she was sometimes being left behind home alone either her intention or sometimes it must be so when my friend and his wife are out of town, very much unchecked, for it might be the lovers opportunity to find her alone and no wonder she end up pregnant at the wrong time.

That evening I talk with my teenage son, I single him out for a father and son talk so that we can converse as freely as it should be the way I prefer it. You see I’m not a psychologist neither like to read some boring theories and books telling things that is hard for me to understand, I feel like being driven an a spinning reel, whenever I read one, then when it became very fast swirling around, the tape is cut and then everything became a mess again, I start up with something I end up with a groggy and empty feeling, so sad for me, any way you try it yourself perhaps you might end up a genius Einstein. I start the conversation with boys talk, girlfriends, crushes, hobbies, friends and school. I make him to feel free to share what’s on his mind and the things what’s in his heart. You know I have that instinct or maybe the wit to make my son feel and understand what I am up to. So catching some keywords to know that I have his heart and mind, and then I begin the brainstorming process which is the hard one. I told my son about my life story, my past, and who I am in the present and what I am doing at present and what I expect in the future, I make my son to see every perspective his choice and decision will give and the very picture of him who he will be and what he will be in the future time of his life. I made my point to be clear to him, in such a way understanding will be a two way basis, and not just my point or just his point but these two points to emerge as a common ground to single out the best out of the two which will serve the purpose. So I told my son about my dream for him my very purpose that we both want to happen, I told my son that I am not against having a girlfriend but not at this point of time of their age, so I told him about my friends teenage daughter untimely ending up pregnant, loosing the very future that should be for her in the future, if she never end up like this. The same way will happen to him if he chooses the same way also. And I believe I made my son to understand.

Gabriel is my first born child, the very manifestation of the love we shared together with my wife. I don’t really can’t express the joy I felt the day the Lord has given us a son, we called him that name of the angel Gabriel, that having him for us is like God is sending us a message of how He has favor and loved us.

And now that he has grown up on his teenage years we just can’t let him be carried out from all of these prevalent existing moral degradation which is the result of these freedom of press and expression which are void from the moral responsibilities and obligation by which has ruin many lives who are also void in understanding. And I will not wonder why there will be many teenage girl so young as sixteen ending up pregnant, and I don’t wonder why they let their teens in Europe and America bring with them condoms and contraceptive pills for them to have a safe sex. When is the time that killing human lives is not a sin? Tell me about these months’ preggy young girls lining up in an abortion hospital which the government has allowed to do so, or what are we going to do with the porno’s lining up to be watch on the video screen of our television sets and computers, or the diabolical ideologies of killing others through suicide bombings and acts of terrorism for the service of their so called God which is now shaping the present world we are living. Tell me about those people, whose lives are marred with sin of immoralities, marching in the streets with banners showing who they were, asking for others and the government to respect their rights. With all of these, are we expecting our kids to grow up right? if we just let these t.v or computer, or these ideology or these people void of understanding in the proper sense of what we call right mindsets be the daily guide of our teens. I absolutely will tell you, No they will not grow up right they will be a bunch of future immoral people selling flesh, some will be ending up in jail, others beggars, poor and problem of the society, some will be that man wearing jacket arm with bombs to kill innocent people and himself with this wrong deceiving guides that shapes their mind. What a pity world it will be.

Keeping up with our teens is keeping ourselves away from future troubles. Don’t keep them away from knowledge and understanding; shape their young mind with right mindset of love, care and respect. Keep them and guide them with godly values and right principles, tell them, make them understand you and your very own good purpose, have time talking, spend some time to play with your teen the way they want it, so that in winning their heart and mind you can be assured that you can guide them in a less hard way and therefore you can easily can KEEP UP WITH YOUR TEENS..

Written and dedicated to my two son, Gabriel and Rain whose lives are inspiration for me to bravely face the daily challenges of having a family, to my wife who is always there for me and help me in proofreading and editing…I love you all…



this article deals with the ordeal my friend is facing after knowing that his teenage daughter is three months pregnant, it tackles also some of the things which influence the formation of todays teenage mindset, and the things i suggest we should be doing to keep up with our teens


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