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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This part is the continuation of my blog “keeping young and beautiful”, and just like what I have told you before I will be giving some practical tips on how to keep yourself young and beautiful, so we can be the best of our looks even as we get older.

Many people look younger than their actual age, while many people also looks older than their present age. The reason of course for these cannot be single out to an individual factor, but with many factors and cases that when understood and learned shall give us the right prescription that will address our concern on this subject matter. These are list of questions that I found to be relevant in these study: Why rich people looks fair and beautiful and handsome than poor people, why models and celebrities like actor and actresses are so charming and beautiful while ordinary people are not, why Americans and Caucasian races have white skin while Africans are black, why Asian people are dark brown others are fair and white, why you’re so beautiful the others are not?

I hope you can follow me now where am I taking you; these series of question are most likely answered through the knowledge of science that even elementary graders can follow. I will in all my best speak in plain English rather than in scientific terminologies and if needed to use terms, I will use them scarcely.

A person macro appearance is being defined by his race, and by the DNA or molecular compositions, the race will tell us if your Caucasians or white, Africans if you are a colored or black, Asian if you are brown, yellowish or fair white as to name some race in particular. While DNA or molecular composition, or our own chromosomes in scientific language will define our total, single and unique blueprint of our appearance and looks, that why there is no two people having the same equal looks and personality, not unless we come into the modern process of cloning which I believed is not perfected still at this point of time. Let me ask these questions for you to ponder. Why white people like a burn or tan color of their skin? Why black envy the white? Why Asians are so very cautious to have a white skin? That’s it we like the other around, and we are not contented to who and what we are.

Now we know about a little bit of science, let me take you to some other factors which affect our personality as a whole. A person personality is also being affected by what we call “class categories,” rich people tend to be more of a good looking personality than poor classes of people. Why? Of course rich people can have the access for good and healthy foods and fruits that give them a healthy appearance, with a fair skin nourished through by different beauty products and services which rich people can afford, added unto it are the comfort of living in a clean, decent home and environment which the poor classes cannot afford.

The place and the kind of job we are working and where are we working are also factors to be considered. A person working inside an office or a mall fully air conditioned, have a better appearance and personality than someone that is working in a construction site under the heat and scorching ray of the sun or of those working in mines, streets and other outdoor jobs like street vendors and drivers who are exposed to different elements affecting the very layer of their skin which deteriorate in time giving them an old age look even at young age. I just can’t forget when I happen to ask someone in an accidental meeting with a person I presumed to be in his 60’s in one of my field assignment I am working with before. I am talking with his daughter who told me about the quality and status of their life, she told me they were all 14 in the family 2 her parent 12 are the children, talking to my self I said “wheew, what a big family and many mouth to feed,” how can they survive with that? I ask myself. She told me also that she’s the eldest and at present 16 years of age, what shocked me later was when she told me that she is pregnant of the third man he is now living with without the blessing of marriage; imagine 16 and she has been with three men already. Oh! What a life! We’re conversing together when the father arrived haply catching his breath because of the long walk under the heat of the sun on his way home from some menial job he is working with to earn money for to buy food for his waiting family back home. At first impression of how he looks I presumed that his age is ranging from 55 to 60 which came out wrong when I found out that he is only 40 years of age. What 40 looking 60? That’s very big difference, but that is the truth the way we live, the work we do, the level of class we belong to, the quality of food we eat and the other uncontrollable and controllable factors really affects how do we really look in our personality.

Here is also another case I am going to tell you. I do have a neighbor and she has a daughter who is not that beautiful as she seems. She has this dark complexion that might be the reason of having not that charm, though she was outgoing and party lovers. One thing I know is that she went abroad to work as an entertainer in Japan. Days gone by, then a year, that was when I got news that she came back home. The moment I saw her it seems to me that I am looking on a different person, this once dark brown complexion girl has turn into a fair white looking beautiful skin which made her so beautiful and charming. And the secret, well its all about again the kind of lifestyle and the access to different beauty and whitening product she stumble with while she is working in Japan.

Having the money means you can afford all the modern technology which will make your wish to be of a good looking person come to a reality, having the money you, can stay inside the comfort of an air condition room, of having a good and healthy food and fruits, of having those creams and masks that takes all the imperfection in our skin, of having the service of the expert to correct and modify some parts of your body to stay young and beautiful…

Till next issue of this article…


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this article is all about a forum site i am enjoying right at this moment, just click the link below to get there and i will be waiting for


this article deals on the issue of making it in the beauty business and some helpful and practical tips on staying young and beautiful