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Saturday, January 31, 2009

reason to watch

I began to come to a realization about the things that are now invading the net and even the pulpit of what lies ahead before us between the year 2008 up to 2015, weighing their importance and relevance on today's series of events like the gruesome global financial crisis which had paralyzed big financial institution and banks making government to be distress and grope for solution to prevent the picture of what we called world wide economic failures, bankruptcy and recession.
The question that shores up today to the christian world with regard to these unwanted progression of events is " are we starting to feel what the Bible says great tribulation, or just the beginning of sorrows?
Today the net are bombarded with issues addressing these concerns, but what really alarms me are the prophetical views of what is going on at present and what will happen in the next few years right in our own time.
preachers and teachers of the Bible speaks of the prophecy written in the pages of this great book are talking about things like great earthquakes, famines, pestilence, distress of nations, the sea waves roaring, the stars will fall from heaven, the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn into blood are some of the things the bible had written with regards to the coming of the end of days and the second advent or coming of the Lord Jesus.
scientist and people with knowledge to the study of time and space as well of the ancient writings of ancient civilizations are astonished with the things they have found out of their researches. according to the Mayan calendar the world will end in December 21, 2012 which they have seen thousand of years before our time, the sumerians in Babylon says the exact date also as well as the chinese, I Ching that points out to the year 2012 as a very significant year. the romans early prophetic writings also share the same prophecy about this point of time. Nostradamus in his writing pronounced this end of days in a cataclysmic scenarios that others regarded and heeded right in our own time by great nations.
NASA is telling the world that the solar system along with the planets orbiting it will pass in the center of the galaxy known as the galactic plane on December of 2012 and at this point of time the great magnetic pull of the galactic plane is somehow making its impact to us litlle by little, this magnetic field in the center of the galaxy is so strong that coming near it or passing through it will have a great effect to the normal cycles and movements of the solar systems and of the planets therefore creating some significant changes in the weather pattern making great storms and intensified hurricanes, abrupt thermal change from severe hotness to freezing coldness to be felt as we approach this galactic plane, great earthquakes that could destroy cities and make mountains to vanished will be the scenarios in the next phase as we pass through it. they even conclude that because of the great pull of the magnetic field, the earth might stop its revolution for several days, and this abrupt stopping can make a really serious cataclysmic scenarios, to explain it plainly imagine a car running for thousand of miles that when sudden brakes and stoppage the car will go rolling up and down to absorbed the energy of the thousnd of miles motion, and that will happen if the earth when passing to the galactic plain will stop.
if the earth will stop its rotation for several days there will be a weather severities which the two face or ends of the earth will experience right at this point of time. the portion of day or exposed to sun will suffer the scorching heat of the sun as the sun flares intensifies also as the effect of this galactic plane, therefore scorching vegetations as well as men that exposed at this moment of time. the other side will experience days of freezing nights without a daylight therefore freezing everything for days even the clouds above. imagine the horror of this time i think these will be very horrible, and who can survive?
as we pass the galactic plane and began to loosen from its magnetic pull the earth will move in its normal rotation as well as the other planet even the sun, therefore there will be nights and day again, but the horror will not still stop because the effect will be felt still as the frozen clouds will be exposed to the heat of the sun and melt they will fall from the sky as big blocks of ice destroying everything where it will fall, survivors will face another problem and that is for food as the event have destroyed the vegetations food will be scarce, and deseases spreading.
i would like you to know also that at this point of time in the year 2012 NASA had warn us us of the planet X approaching the solar system in a fast manner, in 1984 this planet which is actually the 10th planet unknown to us before is being clculated as 54 billlion miles away from us but later in 1999 it was estimated that it was only 7 billion miles near us, the cionclusion that it is coming to us in a fast rate and might pass between the planets this might smashed near planet or the asteroid belt sending meteors and asteroids wildly in every directions even to earth which if happen will create an unimaginable gross destruction in a wide spectrum.
with all this series of what might be events in the years to come, the question still lingers to me and ask why all these early predictions and prophecies as well as all these astrononomical significant are pointing to the same date and that will be on december 2012. are these things just a matter of coincidence, or a perfect plan,designs and calculation of a great master who are in control of everything , is this the hand of God?

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1 comment:

Mark O'Leary said...

This article is barely literate, and the "argument" is completely incoherent. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate an ability to foretell future events. The whole 2012 nonsense has no basis in reality. Ditto Nostradamus and the I Ching. The Earth's magnetic field is not going to change in any catastrophic way. There's no such thing as Planet X (I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that one), and nobody at NASA or any other scientific institution thinks otherwise. Economic upheavals have been occurring for as long as there has been economic activity. There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about current economic conditions, however painful they may be. This has all happened before. It will pass.

People have been "predicting" catastrophes and portentous events for thousands of years, and nothing ever comes of it. Most of our lives are very small. We feel unimportant and powerless to affect larger circumstances. Believing we are part of cosmic events of eternal significance makes us feel like we're on the center stage, instead of bit players in a show nobody's watching. Christians have been predicting the Rapture for 2,000 years, and all they really got out of it is the baseless belief that a god is watching them and caring for them in the midst of "the tribulation." Then when "the tribulation" passed they simply concluded that "The Lord decided it wasn't time yet, and no man knows the hour or the day." They take it as confirmation whenever some real-life bad event occurs, and point, and say, "See? This was foretold!" But when the "foretold" events fail to come to pass, it never occurs to them that the problem lies in believing nonsense.


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